Sunday, July 14, 2019

"Those People" by Louise Candlish

Lowland Way is the suburban dream. The houses are beautiful, the neighbors get along, and the kids play together on weekends. 

But when Darren and Jodie move into the house on the corner, they donʼt follow the rules. They blast music at all hours, begin an unsightly renovation, and run a used-car business from their yard. It doesn’t take long for an all-out war to start brewing.

Then, early one Saturday, a horrific death shocks the street. As police search for witnesses, accusations start flying—and everyone has something to hide. ~ taken from Amazon

"Those People" is a book that shows just how bad things can get when neighbors clash with neighbors. 

Lowland Way is an ideal, upscale neighborhood. Everyone seems to get along with everyone. Perfect, happy little families. Then The Booths move into Number 1, and they bring the worst out in everyone!

Ear piercing music at all hours, construction that never seems to end, and the front yard and street have been turned into a makeshift car lot. That is what happens when Darren Booth and is girlfriend, Jodie, move into the neighborhood. 

It was clear to all the other residents from the get-go that "those people" were cut from a different cloth. They don't belong. They need to move out, ASAP! The neighbors get together and start brainstorming a plan to get rid of their new, not so friendly neighbors.

But then something awful happens. Something no one expected. It goes from horrible to even worse...

"Those People" was my second book by author Louise Candlish, and though I didn't enjoy is as much as "Our House" I did think it was a fun, quick little thriller. 

Told from excerpts of police reports after the event, and alternating characters telling their story leading up to the event, this book is well written, and I had no problem imagining the array of characters and the street they live on. 

My issue with this novel is the HUGE cast of character's lives that we are thrown right in to. It was hard to know who was who, who was married to who, and who lived where. 

There was also not a single likable character in the entire book. Perhaps that's how the author wanted it. I was just hoping to connect with at least one, but that was not the case. It was also a very slow moving story, until you get to the end and it seems to move at such a rapid pace it was hard to keep up. 

So let's talk about the ending... it just kind of fell flat. I didn't feel a sense of closure or even a feeling of happiness or discontent wither way. It was just... and ending. 

Thanks to Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group for allowing me an e-copy to read and give my honest review. It was a 3 star read for me. 

"Those People"  is available now at your favorite book retailer so pick up a copy today! 

Happy Reading! 

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