Saturday, February 23, 2019

Emily Carpenter's "Until The Day I Die"

If there’s a healthy way to grieve, Erin Gaines hasn’t found it. After her husband’s sudden death, the runaway success of the tech company they built with their best friends has become overwhelming. Her nerves are frayed, she’s disengaged, and her frustrated daughter, Shorie, is pulling away from her. Maybe Erin’s friends and family are right. Maybe a few weeks at a spa resort in the Caribbean islands is just what she needs to hit the reset button…
If there’s a healthy way to grieve, Erin Gaines hasn’t found it. After her husband’s sudden death, the runaw
Shorie is not only worried about her mother’s mental state but also for the future of her parents’ company. Especially when she begins to suspect that not all of Erin’s colleagues can be trusted. It seems someone is spinning an intricate web of deception—the foundation for a conspiracy that is putting everything, and everyone she loves, at risk. And she may be the only one who can stop it.

Now, thousands of miles away in a remote, and oftentimes menacing, tropical jungle, Erin is beginning to have similar fears. Things at the resort aren’t exactly how the brochure described, and unless she’s losing her mind, Erin’s pretty sure she wasn’t sent there to recover—she was sent to disappear. ~taken from Goodreads

I just love Emily Carpenter books! They are always a fun, imaginative, and exciting read! This wasn't one of my favorites, but I did enjoy it! 

This was a very slow moving book. The beginning got me engaged, but then my interest was lost as the plot dramatically slowed down. I wouldn't say that I lost interest, I was still interest in the plot, I just found myself skipping paragraphs and skimming to get to the next part. 

The characters... they were a bit un-relatable. I didn't connect to a single character and towards the last 1/4 of the book I really didn't care what happened to them.  I know we are dealing with a grieving mother and daughter, but their behavior was just so unbelievable I actually laughed out loud at things they said or did. The supporting characters were no different. I can't imagine having life long friends act that way towards me after my husband/father died tragically. 

All that being said, once the story picks up again it is quite a wild ride! I liked the change of scenery to the tropical jungle setting and this is were there story gets even more imaginative and completely unrealistic. I can absolutely appreciate a fantasy novel that is not rooted in reality, however I feel that's not how the author was trying to sell this book. 

The ending came quick and tied up in a too perfect bow. I felt like I worked and worked for a so-so ending. 

Although my review sounds negative, it was a quick and overall enjoyable read. I give it a solid 3 stars and look forward to reading more from the author. 

"Until The Day I Die"  is due to be released in the U.S. on March 12, 2019. Add it to your TBR list now! 

Thanks to Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for allowing me an egalley to read and give my honest opinion. 

Happy Reading! 

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