Tuesday, April 28, 2020

"The Apartment" by K.L. Slater

Freya Miller needs a miracle. In the fallout of her husband’s betrayal, she’s about to lose her family home, and with it the security she craves for her five-year-old daughter, Skye. Adrift and alone, she’s on the verge of despair until a chance meeting with the charismatic Dr Marsden changes everything. He’s seeking a new tenant for a shockingly affordable flat in a fashionable area of London.
Adder House sounds too good to be true… But Freya really can’t afford to be cynical, and Dr Marsden is adamant she and Skye will be a perfect fit with the other residents.
But Adder House has secrets. Even behind a locked front door, Freya feels as if she’s being watched: objects moving, unfamiliar smells, the blinking light of a concealed camera… and it’s not long before she begins to suspect that her dream home is hiding a nightmarish reality. Was it really chance that led her here—or something unthinkably dark?
As the truth about Adder House starts to unravel, can Freya and Skye get out—or will they be locked in forever? ~taken from Amazon

This was a fast and fun read! It was your typical thriller/mystery set up- main character has a tragic loss and feels overwhelmed in life, is looking for a positive change and offered a "too good to be true" scenario, and it all turns bad fast!

Freya and her daughter are looking for a new lease on life after a sad tragedy. They are offered an apartment in a very upscale area of London. Freya thinks it is too good to be true, and boy was she right. 

The first half of the book starts a bit slow, but we learn all about Freya and her daughter, Skye, and how they came to be in their current situation. We get flashbacks of life before the tragedy and even a bit of knowledge into Freya's upbringing, which explains why she is skeptical of most people and fiercely protective of her daughter. 

We are also introduced to the antagonist, though we don't know who it is. This person is clearly stalking and keeping tabs on the mother-daughter pair. Along with first person snippets of the antagonist's story we get flashbacks to the early 1900's of a cruel experiment involving a child and his reaction to fear...

The second half of the book picks up speed and I was finding myself wanting to read faster and faster to see where exactly this book was going. It suddenly sucked me in and I had to know what the heck was going on at Adder House! 

The end was a complete surprise to me. I did not have it figured out at all, though I had my suspicions that not every character was how they presented themselves. 

If you are looking for a fun, quick thriller than I highly recommend this book! It was just released today (April 28, 2020) here in the U.S. AND it is currently free with a Kindle Unlimited subscription.  

Thanks to Netgalley and Amazon Publishing UK for allowing me the eARC to read and give my honest review. It was a 4 star read!

Happy Reading!

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