Monday, July 6, 2020

"Pearl River Mansion" by Richard Schwartz

Detective Jack Kendall and his assistant, Stacy Young, receive a disturbing call that opens the door to a missing persons case that has tugged at the heartstrings of Mississippi and the entire nation. Now Jack and Stacy hold the key to the most shocking, complex, and emotional case of their careers, and they are all in! As the only heir of Joan Chandler, Tyler Chandler stands to inherit everything a man could want, including Pearl River Mansion a 450-acre, post-Civil War estate that sits at the end of one of the many fingers of the Pearl River. Tyler's mother makes a game out of controlling people by trading on her wealth, but Tyler refuses her money which always comes with strings and struggles to make it on his own, trading instead on his intelligence and exceptional good looks. But he's not as good at the game as she is and finds himself trapped in a marriage that infuriates his mother. It is a destructive battle of wills, and just when Tyler believes he's winning, fate intercedes... And for the second time in her life, Joan finds a purpose for the alligators that have kept her well away from the water's edge and the stakes keep rising. ~taken from Amazon

While browsing Netgalley I came across this gorgeous cover! Upon reading the description I knew I had to read it and I am so glad I did! 

I have to be honest and say I had never heard of author, Richard Schwartz, prior to reading and had no idea this was Book 2 of The Underdog Detective Series. Though it is the second in a series, the books seem to be "stand-alone" and not reading the first had no bearing on whether I could follow this plot line. 

The story starts when we meet Sarah, wife to Tyler and mother of 4 year old twins, Rachael and Cody. They live in a trailer, and life is anything but pleasant. Tyler does what he pleases, Sarah will do anything for Tyler (including mistreating her children), and it's clear Cody is the favorite child while Rachael, because she is a girl, is just a mere afterthought. 

Tyler comes from wealth. Considerable wealth. He grew up at Pearl River Mansion, a Civil War mansion surrounded by gorgeous, lush gardens and a river full of wildlife, including alligator,s that control the water. His mother, Joan, is controlling and used to getting her way. She uses her wealth to control the narrative of everyone around her. For this reason Tyler chooses to not accept her money and make a way for his life on his own.

Life changes when Tyler and Sarah take the twins to visit Joan at Pearl River Mansion for the weekend. Tragedy occurs that weekend and the aftermath will effect the lives of many.

This book had so many twists and turns. I had no idea how sucked in I would get, but I loved it! Just when I thought that surely I was getting towards the end, I would see that I was no where close to the conclusion. Murder, abuse, infidelity, and family drama at it's highest level are what fill the pages. 

The author was flawless in creating characters that I loved and hated. I felt like I truly got a grasp of everyone's personality. The scenery described was detailed and though I have never been to Mississippi, I had no problem imagining the multiple settings described throughout. 

They ending was surprising and satisfying. I honestly kept wondering how this would all conclude, butI wasn't left feeling disappointed in the least. If you are looking for a good read, especially during these quarantine times, look no further! This is a must read! You will not be disappointed!

This was a 5 star read! Thanks to Netgalley and Mascot books for allowing me an e-galley to read and give my honest review. This book is set to be released here in the U.S. on July 7, 2020. To be honest, I have only seen it for pre-order on Amazon but I hope that this wonderful novel will be available everywhere books are sold soon! 

Happy Reading!


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