Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Lisa Jewell's "The Truth About Melody Browne"


When she was nine years old, Melody Browne's house burned down, taking every toy, every photograph, every item of clothing and old Christmas card with it. But not only did the fire destroy all her possessions, it took with it all her memories - Melody Browne can remember nothing before her ninth birthday. Now in her early thirties, Melody lives in a council flat in the middle of London with her seventeen-year-old son. She hasn't seen her parents since she left home at fifteen, but Melody doesn't mind, she's better off on her own. She's made a good life for herself and her son and she likes it that way. Until one night something extraordinary happens. Whilst attending a hypnotist show with her first date in years she faints - and when she comes round she starts to remember. At first her memories mean nothing to her but then slowly, day by day, she begins to piece together the real story of her childhood. Her journey takes her to the seaside town of Broadstairs, to oddly familiar houses in London backstreets and to meetings with strangers who love her like their own. But with every mystery she solves another one materialises, with every question she answers another appears. And Melody begins to wonder if she'll ever know the truth about her past. ~taken from Goodreads

My love of author, Lisa Jewell, is no secret. She is an incredible story teller and always comes up with unique storylines, fascinating and interesting characters, and endings that satisfy. This latest of hers is no different, though it's a bit different than her usual genre. 

"The Truth About Melody Browne" is a book of mystery, yes, but it's also a book full of sadness, conflict, happiness, anger, confusion, anxiety... it's a book FULL of every emotion. 

The start of this book is a bit confusing. It alternates between past and present and multiple characters are introduced that at the time that seem to have no connection. But as the story builds, and they mystery is made clear, everything starts to flow and I got sucked in quick! 

Every character is fully formed and easy to imagine. There is such a wonderfully vast array of characters that it was an exciting journey I was sad to see come to an end. I really can't say enough good things about this book! Not my typical type of mystery, this was such an emotional journey, but I loved it. I truly did. 

I feel the less you know going into this family mystery, the better the story will be. You do need to stay on your toes while reading. Take mental notes of characters names and remember how they fit in to the over all timeline. 

I am not going to lie, I wish the ending was a bit more... I would love to have read more about the interaction between the two characters at the end of the book. 

This is not a new novel by Jewell, though it was re-released and I was so happy to receive and e-copy from Netgalley and Atria Books to read and give my honest review. It was a 5 star read for me! 

You can get your copy anywhere books are sold! 

Happy Reading! 

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