Monday, July 11, 2016

"The Alienation Of Courtney Hoffman" by Brady Stefani

Fifteen year old Courtney wants to be normal like her friends. But there’s something frighteningly different about her—and it’s not just the mysterious tattoo her conspiracy-obsessed grandfather marked her with when she was a child. “Mental illness is a slippery slope,” her mother warns her. And the last thing Courtney wants to do is end up crazy and dead like her grandfather did.

But what about the tattoo? And the alien scouts who visit Courtney in her bedroom at night claiming to have shared an alliance with her grandfather? And her new friend Agatha’s apocalyptic visions? They have to be connected. Courtney has a mission: untangle her past, discover the truth, and stop the apocalypse before anyone from school finds out she’s missing. ~summary taken from Amazon

It's been awhile since I have ventured into a YA Sci-fi book. I forgot all the goodness I was missing! I pulled this book up on my iPhone and iPad every chance I got. I liked that this was truly YA- a handful of cuss words but no sex, which means I would have no problem allowing my 11 year old to read this. 

Author, Brady Stefani, does an excellent job in writing. Though it was a slow start, the story kept me engaged and wondering where the author was taking the story next. Stefani did an excellent job with adding unique characters at all the right places. I felt the pain and confusion Courtney was going though, felt the frustration her mom was dealing with, and even kind of understood the crazy, outlandish thoughts of Courtney's friend, Agatha.

To me, this was like reading a Sci-fi story mixed with The Da Vinci Code and National Treasure. Ancient secret societies, hidden treasures, apocalypse predictions, and aliens! The overall plot was very well thought out. I really enjoyed reading this. 
It was suspenseful, mysterious, intriguing, and a bit crazy (good crazy) at times.

The ending was a bit surprising, but clues throughout the book didn't leave me flabbergasted. The very last paragraph makes me wonder if there will be another book about Courtney Hoffman to make this a series. I hope so because I truly enjoyed this plot and would love to read another book by this author.  

Thanks to Netgalley and SparkPress for allowing me the ecopy in exchange for my honest opinion. The Alienation Of Courtney Hoffman is available now. Its a fun summer read so scoop it up!

A fun 4 star read!

Happy Reading!

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