Sunday, October 20, 2019

"Follow Me" by Kathleen Barber

Everyone wants new followers…until they follow you home.

Audrey Miller has an enviable new job at the Smithsonian, a body by reformer Pilates, an apartment door with a broken lock, and hundreds of thousands of Instagram followers to bear witness to it all. Having just moved to Washington, DC, Audrey busies herself impressing her new boss, interacting with her online fan base, and staving off a creepy upstairs neighbor with the help of the only two people she knows in town: an ex-boyfriend she can’t stay away from and a sorority sister with a high-powered job and a mysterious past.

But Audrey’s faulty door may be the least of her security concerns. Unbeknownst to her, her move has brought her within striking distance of someone who’s obsessively followed her social media presence for years—from her first WordPress blog to her most recent Instagram Story. No longer content to simply follow her carefully curated life from a distance, he consults the dark web for advice on how to make Audrey his and his alone. In his quest to win her heart, nothing is off-limits—and nothing is private.

With “compelling, suspenseful” (Liz Nugent) prose, Kathleen Barber’s electrifying new thriller will have you scrambling to cover your webcam and digital footprints. ~taken from Goodreads

Author Kathleen Barber's latest novel "Follow Me" is a true modern day thriller. Stalking in the digital age has taken it up a notch. Every picture, status or video a person posts leaves a digital footprint letting a stalker follow you to our precise location. This novel did a terrific job showing readers the adverse effect of being a social media star. 

I will say this book has some exciting twists and turns. I stayed engaged and excited to turn the page despite the flaws I found in this story. The characters, to me, felt incomplete and there wasn't a single one I connected with. Backstories were lacking and I just felt like there were too many characters to truly get to know any of them.

This story is told from alternate perspectives, which makes for a more in depth story from all angles. I liked reading the chapters from the stalker's point of view, and when he was revealed, it made the story even more interesting. 

I felt like the ending came too quick. It was all over in the blink of an eye and wrapped up in a cute little bow. With the main character being a social media star, and her constant posting of information is what lead up to this whole fiasco, I would have loved to see more of the "after" and find out if it changed her way of life and posting habits after going through this ordeal. 

Overall, it was a very quick and entertaining 3 star read for me! Perfect for a weekend read or to get into on a work commute. 

Thanks to Netgalley and Gallery, Pocket Books for allowing me an eARC to read and give my honest review. 

Follow Me is due to be released here in the USA on February 25, 2020 so preorder and ad it to your list today! 

Happy Reading! 

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