Saturday, October 5, 2019

"I Will Make You Pay" by Teresa Driscoll

Every Wednesday, like clockwork, the terror returns.
It seems like an ordinary Wednesday, until the phone rings. A mysterious caller with a chilling threat. Journalist Alice Henderson hangs up, ready to dismiss it as a hoax against the newspaper. But the next Wednesday, the stalker makes another move—and it becomes clear that this is all about Alice.
Someone wants her to suffer, but for what? Her articles have made her a popular local champion—could it be her past rather than her work that’s put her life in danger? Alice is determined not to give in to fear, but with the police investigation at a dead end, her boyfriend insists on hiring private investigator Matthew Hill.
With every passing Wednesday the warnings escalate, until it’s not only Alice but also her family in the stalker’s sights. As her tormentor closes in, can Alice uncover what she’s being punished for before the terrifying threats become an unthinkable reality? ~taken from Goodreads

This thriller is told in alternating perspectives, which I really enjoyed. There were several mysteries taking place at once, and it was fun to switch back and forth between present and past. The author did an amazing job with the setting descriptions and dialog. I have read many books with a UK setting, but this was the first book that as I read, my mind automatically transferred dialog to an English accent. 

Usually I save my star rating until the end of my reviews, but I feel like I need to be up front about this so that I can give this a proper review. This was a 3 star read for me. 

The mysteries and suspense last throughout the entire book. That itself wasn't the issue. I just could not relate to a single character. Not one seemed "realistic" to me. I like flawed characters, but every single one seemed either to perfect or incomplete.

I also think it all came to a end without closing up loose ends, while other things were explained away as an afterthought. Some relationships between characters felt deep enough that I wanted to know more, but their backstories were never discussed. Other characters in the book were introduced and then never got further "play" and I wondered why they were even brought into the story at all.

I feel like I am so jumbled in trying to explain my feelings about the book. It was a decent thriller, a fast read that I did enjoy. But when all was said and done I didn't feel like I got the complete story and was left wondering or wanting more.

"I Will Make You Pay" is due to be released October 10, 2019 here in the USA. Preorder now so when the cold autumn nights come you have something to curl up on the couch and read! 

Thanks so much to Netgalley and Amazon Publishing UK for the eARC to read and give my honest review. 

Happy Reading! 

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